Little Bo Peep…

Dim and Matilda recline on a mossy tree trunk in the shade, garlanded in daisy chains

Matilda and Dim went out to count the sheep. Matilda was concerned that they couldn’t see any at all! Dim said they were probably all in the shade because it was Very Hot!

Matilda in her shepherdess outfit, and Dim, sit on a fence post looking at an empty field

So they went and found a shady spot themselves, and sat and made daisy chains and behaved in a generally bucolic manner.

Dim and Matilda recline on a mossy tree trunk in the shade, garlanded in daisy chains

And sure enough, later on when it was cooler, all the sheep came up to the top field to be counted, and they were all there!

Matilda and Dim look at a field full of sheep

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