Well, it’s the May Bank Holiday, and time for our Fete! Fury and Winston were up early preparing for it – Fury has trucked in all the funfair equipment, checking with Ernest exactly where she should unload.
Winston moved the Burger box and ice cream van in early so that he could hook up to the electricity. Ernest supervised in case of any accident.
And finally, it’s time for the Fete to start!
We’ve got all sorts of stalls, from sweet treats and bric-a-brac to tests of skill and games of chance.
As well as the usual catering, Esther is doing teas, which is very popular.
Right, Gino has checked the Maypole for stability, so we can get underway with a traditional Maypole dance!
The team are determined not to have any mishaps this year, after previous entanglements. So they concentrate very hard, and complete the dance without incident! Bravo!
Vincent was very pleased to spot a skateboard on the bric-a-brac stall, as he’s always wanted one. So a deal was struck, and off he skated!
Bernard told Matilda he was watching his weight, and asked if she had any sugar-free candyfloss. She had to say no, so he decided to treat himself anyway.
Time for the next big event. May we introduce the Salford Vaark Morris Troupe! Dim is playing the fool with a balloon on a stick.
Listen to their bells jingle as they skip about and clash their sticks.
Everyone laughed when Dim bopped me on the snozzle with his balloon. We gave them a rousing round of applause at the end.
Well, now it’s lunchtime, and look at the queues build up at the catering concessions!
While we let our lunch go down, Peggy entertains us with her Punch and Judy show. We always boo at the crocodile! Thank you Peggy!
Well, now our lunch is digested… it’s time for the funfair!!
The Hall of Mirrors always makes us laugh. Look Vincent, there’s three of you, and one of them’s upside down!
Fury showed off her muscles on Arnold’s Try Your Strength Machine. He said it was OK to use it while he’s away.
Of course, the Ladle-a-bout was popular as ever. Look at the ladles fly!
Although Winston got a shock when his hat blew off, and he had to find it afterwards!
Ernest likes running the Ladle-a-bout, although it’s not all fun. Somevaark seemed to have had a little too much lunch.
But a very exciting thing this year was a new ride – the Swingboat! Peggy and Gino had the first go.
We found out that if I tried to ride with Microvaark, things got a bit one sided.
Matilda and Dim were pleased to find that they were perfectly balanced. They had a great time.
After all the fun of the fair, we sat down together with a cup of tea or a snack and had a good old chat about the day.
Well, most of us. Vincent was keen to practise his skateboard tricks.
Then it was time to pack up. Fury found out why it had been so hard to knock a pistachio off the poles.
Matilda offered to help Esther clear up the tea things, and they had it done in no time.
Winston packed up the unsold bric a brac, ready for next time.
Gino and I tidied up the bunting and we both said what a glorious day it had been. We have had fun!