A while ago, Bernard had a very important job, counting stitches in blankets for Sixty Million Trebles, a campaign to crochet or knit blankets for refugees. Before he came to live with the clan, Bernard was employed in a bank, so he is Very Good at Numbers.
One day, a blanket came in to be counted that was so big, it required an Expedition to count it. This is the story of that expedition.

Bernard and Microvaark gathered up all the things they would need and packed them in a rucksack. Bernard got out his special stitch-counting wheel, and off they went to the start of the blanket.
It was a very big blanket – they could hardly see the other end!
Still, they had to make a start! So with Bernard pushing the counting wheel, off they went.
After a while, they decided to stop for a little snack.
They went on again, but eventually Microvaark said he was Quite Peckish and also, Very Hungry, and was it time for lunch yet? Bernard said it was a bit of a worry, because they’d already eaten more biscuit than he’d expected and at this rate, they’d run out.
But just then, who should drive up but Winston, in his burger van! So they had a good lunch and carried on all afternoon.
When it got to dinner time, they stopped and unpacked the camping gear from the rucksack
It turned out that the rucksack was remarkably capacious, and the tent was perfectly comfortable.
They soon had the tent set up, and Bernard produced a barbecue from somewhere and some extra burgers he’d bought from Winston and they had a slap-up dinner.
They were very tired after walking all day, so they went to bed, but Microvaark lay awake for a while watching the stars through the tent flap.
In the morning, when Microvaark woke up, he found that Bernard had been up and about for ages. He’d already had a shower and laid the breakfast table, so they had a nice fortifying cup of tea to set them up for the day.
Once everything was packed up again, they set off and walked and walked. It got very hot, and they were quite thirsty.
They saw something in the distance. Bernard said it was probably a mirage, but Microvaark said he didn’t think mirages played Greensleeves…
And he was right! It was Winston, in the ice cream van! So they had a refreshing cone each which perked them right up.
Bernard had a look at the map and said he thought they were nearly there.
And he was right! They read the label, and had a little quiet moment, and Bernard made a note of the trebles.
But then of course, they had to think about getting back. They were resigned to another very long walk when suddenly, toot toot! There was Esther in her campervan. She asked if they’d like a lift home, so they said “Yes please!” and jumped in.
Bernard and Microvaark were very proud of their expedition. In fact they were so proud, they went and had a proper photographic portrait taken to remember it by.
